Born to Be Wild Nature Center · Wildlife Rehabilitation in Rhode Island


Ruffled Feathers: The Born to Be Wild Nature Center has helped a higher number of owls than usual
So Rhode Island (April 2, 2018)

Wildlife Rehabilitators in Rhode Island
Rhode Island Monthly (Oct 4, 2017)

John Maxson. Photography by James Jones.

Injured snowy owls nursed back to health
The Westerly Sun (Jan 10, 2014)

Injured snowy owl found at Quonset State Airport rehabbing in Westerly Providence Journal (Dec 01, 2013)

Hawk recovering after suffering burns at R.I. Central Landfill Providence Journal (Dec 01, 2013)

Twice-Rescued Falcon Needs to Relearn How to Hunt
EcoRI (Sept 2, 2014)
Two red-tailed hawks released back into the wild on Independence Day WJAR NBC Channel 4 (July 4, 2017)

Injured owl flies free after being nursed back to health
WJAR NBC Channel 4 (Oct 27, 2017)

Born to Be Wild Nature Center · Wildlife Rehabilitation in Rhode Island
Website by Double Agent Design